black and white bed linen

Equipping Generations for Life in Christ

Zion Lutheran Wayside is a Christian Church and School proclaiming and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Northeast Wisconsin.

Welcome to Zion Lutheran

Worship with us:
Wednesdays | 7:00pm (traditional)
Sundays | 7:45am (traditional) & 9:30am (contemporary)

Our Mission Statement

We are equipping generations for life in Christ through the proclamation of the Gospel, administration of sacraments, and education on God's Word.

"One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts."
Psalm 145:4

Worship & Events

Our traditional worship services follow the liturgy found in the Lutheran Service Book (LSB) Hymnal. You'll find responsive liturgy and hymns using the organ.
Wednesdays 7:00pm | Sundays 7:45am

Traditional Worship
Contemporary Worship

Our contemporary worship takes a more relaxed and modern look at the liturgy. At this service there is less responsive liturgy, and more contemporary worship songs. Our praise teams lead these services with a variety of instruments including piano, guitar, and percussion.
Sundays 9:30am

We offer the following opportunities to study
God's Word:
Sunday School (3yrs - 4th grade)
September thru May | Sundays 9:00-9:20am
Youth Devotion (Donuts & Devos | 5th gr +)
September thru May | Sundays 9:00-9:20am
Adult Bible Study
Thursdays (year round) | 9:00-10:30am
Public School Confirmation
September thru May | Wednesdays 5:30-6:45pm

Bible Studies
Holy Week services at Zion Wayside Easter
Holy Week services at Zion Wayside Easter


a church sign with a cross on the grass
a church sign with a cross on the grass


Office: Mon-Thurs 8:30a-3p
Worship: Wed 7p | Sun 7:45 & 9:30a


8378 County Rd W
Greenleaf, WI 54126
(920) 864-2463 (c)
(920) 864-2463 (s)

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Faith in Action

Explore our community's journey of faith and service through images.